You simply aren’t sure.
You aren’t sure about the school’s ability to address your child’s individual learning needs.
Maybe you feel your daughter needs a bit of extra support in reading and writing skills – but the school says she’s doing “fine” and doesn’t need extra help.
Or, perhaps your son is bored and could use more of a challenge – but since he isn’t “having problems,” the school isn’t concerned.
But you need to be sure.
Our children learn and develop at different rates, and that’s normal and expected!
As parents and caregivers, it’s our job as parents to ensure that they are challenged and engaged at the appropriate level.
And I can help.
Some children benefit from additional educational support and review to ensure that they remain confident and enthusiastic learners. They may need help with study skills, organization, or other executive function skills.
Others learn concepts quickly and benefit from additional challenges to keep them engaged and excited to learn.
Reach out to me at (240) 391-8438. Whatever the situation, I am excited to support and enrich your child’s learning.